As we approach the new year, I think about what I envision for my self in the years to come and how to achieve those goals. Animal welfare is a cause I’ve held close to my heart and I’ve always wanted to make a difference to the lives of abused and abandoned animals. I dream of a world where we as a society take more responsibility for how we treat animals and where people are more seriously involved in the cause. My passion for the cause has led me to having conversations with people in the field, and what I learned is that there are two major problems – firstly, there exist a large number of strays that are mistreated or neglected in many ways, and there is a need to spay them; secondly, that of pet abandonment. Many older dogs, in particular, are abandoned after a certain age as they tend to require more care in their senior years. As someone who has pets and has loved and looked after them in their old age, it breaks my heart to see them abandoned when they need their human families the most.

I believe that all animals have a place in heaven and some day, I’d like to start my own shelter or centre of some sort that’s solely dedicated to them. In the meantime, I try to do my best to support those who are already doing amazing work in the field in any way I can. This is one of the most important goals of mine that I keep in mind as I go into 2020.

On another note, as we enter 2020, I am delighted to announce that I’ve made a limited edition series of re:store calendars! All your lovely compliments about my photography, and the encouragement of my family, led to me putting together some of my work into a calendar. I’ve learned a lot about printing quality, paper sizes and more during this process and I am excited about where Nandi Shah Photography might take me with these new skills.

If you’d like to purchase a desktop calendar from re:store to tempt you with sumptuous goodies from our menu all year round, do contact us! Each calendar is just ₹500 and is sure to cheer you up throughout 2020. On that note, here’s wishing everyone a wonderful year ahead, filled with joy and delicious food!
