My mother, Pushpa Adhia, as a young woman.

I’m carrying with me all your love, and teachings. Your cooking style and morals. This food blog, my recipes and my style of cooking and eating – they are all learnt from you. And how you always told me to make you feel proud and to hold my head high. I did. How never to do wrong and hang in there even if people are not kind. I did. How to stay strong in my new married home and be respectful to elders despite anything, and that it will all pay off eventually. It did. And as always you are right. How to always stay by my husband’s side and hang in there. It will all work out eventually. It did.

Today I have you in me. How can I miss you? I hold my head high with pride. I am you. I am celebrating because you are still alive. And will always be.
